More Constituent Visits.

APV staff and members visited the offices of Congressman Dave Brat today to urge the Congressman to step up and demand a full and independent investigation of the Trump scandal. We brought donuts and spent an hour in “spirited” but cordial conversation with Brat’s staff. Along with the Trump menace, we had a frank exchange of views about healthcare, budgetary priorities and the political fate of down ballot Republican office holders who don’t separate themselves from this administration… hint, hint.

We delivered a letter from our President Rhonda Haning on behalf of our membership which we expect to be in Brat’s daily packet this afternoon. A copy is attached below.

We want to thank Brat and his staff for their time and also APV member Kathy Jones, a Brat constituent for her heartfelt contribution and APV staffer Stacy Reed for her thoughtful, articulate words.

We’ll be back!

Brat letter may 2017