APV Comments on Proposed NRC rules.
Below are the Alliance for Progressive Values public comments on new Nuclear Regulatory Commission rules on storage of High Level Radioactive Waste. Such materials are deadly for as long as 100 centuries and at present some of them are being stored within 50 miles of metropolitan Richmond Virginia.
“APV opposes the NRC draft plan for Waste Confidence DGEIS. Frankly, as high as the stakes are in regard to nuclear waste storage, we do not feel we can trust the industry, nor do we feel we can trust the regulators. And at its heart, we do not trust the technology itself. We are making a deadly mess that will last so far into the future that it can scarcely be imagined and leaving it for generations whose technological skills and societal framework, we cannot hope to predict. We have already gone too far. We must stop now and begin to seriously come to grips with the damage we have already done.”
Thank You for Your Service
APV wishes to announce the resignations of Board of Directors member Ann Hardy and Deputy Policy Director Roland Winston. Ann has served on the board since our inception and remains a valued member of our organization. Roland served as a Deputy Policy Director in 2013 and remains a valued member as well. We wish to thank them both for their service and wish them well in the future.
Three Strikes and You’re Out
Twice the people of Richmond have rejected a proposal to put a minor league baseball stadium in the historic Shockoe Bottom neighborhood. Now Mayor Jones is back with a new plan and we think this makes strike three.
City Council will hear debate on the plan on December 9th at 6:00 p.m. in chambers at City Hall. Council members have announced plans to hold local town-halls in their districts to hear public comment.
Here is a link to information on the town-halls.
Richmond Virginia City Council
Click here to read APV’s statement on the ballpark deal.
APV Ballpark Statement 12 5 13

APV December Salon at Helens
No guest speakers this month, instead we gather to celebrate the end of another year and the promise of 2014. We’re honored once again to have live music by the Tim Harding Quartet.
Please join us Monday, December 9th, from 6:00-9:00 p.m. as APV continues our monthly Salon at Helen’s.
The second Monday of each month APV invites members and guests to a casual, after work get together at Helen’s Restaurant, 2527 West Main Street, Richmond, VA 23220 for a complimentary light dinner (cash bar for wine, cocktails and beer).
This December marks the end of our third year as an organization as well as the beginning of our fourth year of Salons at Helens. We’re proud of the hard work we’ve done this year and we are getting ready for a busy new year with a new Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General, we’ll talk a little about our past and our plans for the future, but then we’re going to take a break and enjoy ourselves and you are invited! This should be a great chance to talk with other members and staff and a lot of fun.
So please join us for a great evening–and bring a friend!
Our Hearts go out to Senator Creigh Deeds and his Family
We are deeply saddened to hear of the severe wounding of Sen. Deeds and the death of his son Gus in an incident at their home this morning. Our thoughts are with Creigh and his family tonight.