Dear Ralph
Last week APV members got together to record this video-letter to Democratic Party Gubernatorial candidate Ralph Northam, voicing our concerns about the proposed MVP and ACP pipelines and the expansion of fracking in the Commonwealth. We have a lot of respect for doctor Northam and we know he’ll take our concerns seriously, but he needs to act soon, the election is getting closer every day.
Today, the federal government is in the hands of men who either don’t understand or don’t care about the on going crisis of global climate change. Worse, they want to use our beautiful state as a proving ground for their reckless and dangerous ideas. We need a governor who will state forcefully and on the record his opposition to further fossil fuel expansion in Virginia. Our time, effort and money needs to be turned towards the clean and renewable energy choices of the future, not the past.
See the video here

On Charlottesville
The Alliance for a Progressive Virginia stands in solidarity with the brave men and women who went to Charlottesville Virginia to confront and condemn the neo-Nazis who planned to gather there yesterday. We are broken-hearted at the injury and loss of life that resulted from the cowardly and vicious attack on unarmed, peaceful protesters by one the fascists. Sadly, we are not entirely surprised. The so called “alt-right” is a vehicle for a kind of politics that has not existed in this country for many, many years. It is politics predicated on racism, chauvinism and violence and must be resisted at every turn.
As a progressive organization APV rejects violence as a means of political change, but we will not stand idle while an out of control right wing spreads hatred and fear across our commonwealth and our nation. We are in the process of assessing what we can and should do in reaction to recent events, not only those in Charlottesville yesterday, but across our country. We wish in particular to condemn and denounce president Trump whose rhetoric has stoked the fires of violence and bigotry during his campaign and after the election. His prevarication and cowardly relativism at this time, when our nation is in real need of steady, competent leadership is sadly, exactly what we have come to expect from him.
Our hearts are with the individuals and their families and friends who were injured or killed yesterday. We will be posting verified links to places where the public can donate to help them with expenses.
Make no mistake, our country and the democratic values that so many have given their lives to defend, not just on foreign soil, but here at home, in the streets, is under siege by forces that would change and pervert our sacred concepts of freedom and justice. They must not be allowed to succeed. Small as we are, APV and its members will find our place and make our stand.
Rhonda Hening
President, Alliance for a Progressive Virginia
August 13th, 2017

Yet More Constituent Visits
Since the beginning of the year, APV staff and members have been trekking across the state and into the District of Columbia to visit our Virginia Congressional delegation. We’ve been talking about several things: the Trump/Russia scandal, the GOP attempt to remove health insurance from millions of Americans, the reckless support of the fossil fuel industry in the light of global climate change, the battle to privatize essential public services, like our schools, our national parks and our retirement system. We’ve made it clear again and again that progressive Americans understand the stakes and are prepared to fight back against the largest, best funded and most organized assault on the very fabric of our modern democracy in a century. With the most recent collapse of the conservative plan to reck the healthcare system on hold, Congress is now turning to “tax reform”. APV will be there to let them know, we are watching what they do and they will be held accountable.

APV Joins Other Organizations in Calling for a Pause on City’s “Education Compact”
Today APV Policy Director Scott Price joined activists and leaders from many local education organizations in calling on the city of Richmond to pause and get more public input and information before making a decision on the proposed Educational Compact which leaves the door open for the introduction of private/corporate contractors in our public schools. APV favors allowing the RPSB to finish the process of hiring a new superintendent before we proceed with any other actions.
Coverage from the Richmond Times Dispatch

More Constituent Visits.
APV staff and members visited the offices of Congressman Dave Brat today to urge the Congressman to step up and demand a full and independent investigation of the Trump scandal. We brought donuts and spent an hour in “spirited” but cordial conversation with Brat’s staff. Along with the Trump menace, we had a frank exchange of views about healthcare, budgetary priorities and the political fate of down ballot Republican office holders who don’t separate themselves from this administration… hint, hint.
We delivered a letter from our President Rhonda Haning on behalf of our membership which we expect to be in Brat’s daily packet this afternoon. A copy is attached below.
We want to thank Brat and his staff for their time and also APV member Kathy Jones, a Brat constituent for her heartfelt contribution and APV staffer Stacy Reed for her thoughtful, articulate words.
We’ll be back!