APV Stands with the Sanctuary Movement
APV Policy Director Scott Price represented our organization today at a press conference to announce the first public act of sanctuary granted by a religious denomination in Virginia for a family fleeing persecution and facing arrest and deportation here. Many thanks to the large, ecumenical cross section of religious leaders and the other organizations in this coalition who stood together today. Special thanks to the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond who are providing physical sanctuary going forward. And lastly, thank you Abby and your family for allowing us to be a part of your lives. We are humbled by your courage.

Virginia Passes Medicaid Expansion
May 30, 2018
Virginia has become the 33rd State to expand Medicaid coverage. APV has lobbied for this year after year. We were told again and again that it couldn’t be done. Today, 23 senators, including 4 Republicans voted for a budget that does just that. We are so proud to be one of the many organizations that fought to include over 300,000 uninsured Virginians in this important and successfully program. Congratulations and thank you to all our members who worked to make this happen. You’re voices did this!
“We worked hard this session and the credit for this win goes to a lot of people, especially the grassroots folks who came out and made their voices heard.” Rhonda Hening, APV President.
“That great Progressive Freshman class in the House and a few principled conservatives in the Senate… It feels good to get something important done. We’ll be back.” Scott Price, APV Policy Director
APV Policy Director Scott Price with Del. Danica Roem (13th)

Ending Conversion Therapy In Virginia starts NOW!
March, 2018
Once again our bills failed in party line votes in both chambers. While we came closer this year than we have in others, it will take more effort and work to move this issue through the General Assembly and on to the Governor’s desk. We don’t mind the effort. We’ll be back, working to protect our children from this dangerous and useless “treatment.” We owe it to our kids to fight for them. We want to thank the sponsors and our friends at Equality Virginia, The Trevor Project and Born Perfect for their help and support. Most of all we want to thank the brave survivors who came forward again this year to tell their stories.
This fight is far from over and we are looking at other options that may bypass the roadblocks set up in the legislature. Stay tuned.
January, 2018
As we have in the past, APV has introduced legislation in both houses of the 2018 Virginia General Assembly to end the practice of so called Conversion, or Sexual Orientation Change Therapy on minors in the commonwealth by clinicians lisensed in Virginia. Conversion Therapy seeks to “cure” LGBTQ people. It is medically useless, psychologically dangerous and emotionally crushing. It needs to stop, NOW!
Our Senate bill, SB245, sponsored by Senator Scott Surovell, (Arlington), is before the crucial Senate Education and Health committee tomorrow morning. If you live in Virginia, please contact your state Senator and ask that they support SB245! If you have a Senator who is on this committee list, please contact them and ask that they vote in favor of this important legislation.
Tell them no one with a medical/clinical license in Virginia should be using that authority to damage children with quack medicine. You can not cure what is not an illness!
Oh What a Night!
Congratulations Virginia! You just made history and sent a message that is being heard around the nation. For seven years APV has been at the Virginia General Assembly in Richmond working to protect the most vulnerable members of our society from a rapacious and downright cruel brand of modern conservatism. It hasn’t been easy and we’ve lost more fights than we’ve won but we never gave up.
On November 7, 2017 the tide turned. The historic electoral victories across the Commonwealth are cause for serious celebration and we here at APV are certainly enjoying the moment, but we aren’t planning on resting for long. There’s a lot of work to do in the coming months to get ready for what will be a very different General Assembly session in 2018. We need your help if we are going to capitalize on the gains made on election day.
Will you consider making a $25 donation today to the Alliance for a Progressive Virginia. We have an historic opportunity before us, you can help us make the most of it.

Thanks Mayor Stoney for a Great Event
Right to left: Scott Price, Rhonda Henning, Mayor Stoney and Kortenay Gardiner.
Very pleased to have Mayor Stoney join us at our October Salon at Helen’s. the Moyor got some tough but good spirited questioning during the evening but left with a smile on his face. We look forward to having him back next year!