
SB 484: Mandatory Ultrasound Bill

This bill was read on the floor Friday, it will be debated on Monday and the final vote will be Tuesday. The Senate will be in session from 12 noon on. The bill will be debated at some point as part of “bills on second reading, regular calendar”. You can watch the debate on the […]

APV Lobby Day at the General Assembly

January 24th, 2012 marked APV’s first lobby day at the state capitol in Richmond, Virginia. Our team got an early start and we saw a lot of legislators. We talked generally about the importance of keeping the ban on uranium mining and on facilitating the spread of clean, renewable energy and protecting the environment. We […]

January Salon

In the midst of the new 2012 General Assembly session, APV held our monthly Salon at Helen’s restaurant here in Richmond. Our scheduled guest speaker was Del. Betsy Carr of Richmond, but Delegate Carr was called away on pressing business and her Aide Antonio Ellias spoke instead. As always the discussion was broad and illuminating. […]